
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Project Life Week 10

Week 10

Welcome to week 10 of Project Life! Church, a doctor's appointment, movies, and a new job offer were some of the highlights of this week!

Left Side

I used another Flip Flap protector for Tuesday just because I wanted to show more than one photo for that day.

A close up of the 4x6 adhesive photo protector...

A close up of the 8.5x11 insert for the week. It was the program from church service on Sunday.

Right Side

The left side of the layout shows the results and receipts from a shopping trip for Ava, journaling about Ava turning 15 months, and a google map on Friday of the crazy long walk we took with my Aunt (never again).


  1. I love this! I want to start keeping a life journal. Should I just buy a regular binder and photo protectors? Thanks for sharing. Peace and Blessings.

  2. Yes you can do it that way. If you go to and look for Project Life, they have a gallery for people who are doing this project. Or just do a google search. there are quite a few people who did not want to buy the kit and just did it with their own supplies. Check out this link:
    She did exactly what you are asking...
    Here is another good example of someone who didn't buy the kit but modeled hers after it :

    Good Luck!!! This is such a rewarding project and a wonderful gift to give your children when they get older!!!
