
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Makin' Stuff....

So, I'm pretty crafty by nature, but I can never find the time to do all the things I would like to do/make.
I envy those people who find the time to be a wife, mother, hold down a job, and still make all kinds of fun stuff. Every now and then I run across something that I just HAVE to make - and it means I drop everything, go to the store to get the supplies I need (if I don't already have them on hand) and start making it RIGHTAWAY..... Well, yesterday that happened.

I recently bought some of those plastic magnetic alphabet letters for Ava to play with on the fridge, but didn't want to give them to her because she is still at the stage of putting EVERYTHING in her mouth, and they pose as a choking hazard. Sooo, I put them away in the drawer. Then yesterday I ran across these:

Well I was intrigued, so I did  a bit more searching, and ended up on etsy and found these:

I LOVE these....what I didn't love, was the $50 price tag for the set....(that is with the shipping included)
I figured, I can make these on my own, and it will be a fraction of the price.... So off to Hobby Lobby I went to get a few things, and this was today's project....  I have only made it to "G" and I have been working on it all day....sigh.... (but in my defense, I do have a 16 month old...) 
Man, the things I do for her.....

I guess I will post the whole set when I finish!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Project Life Week 10

Week 10

Welcome to week 10 of Project Life! Church, a doctor's appointment, movies, and a new job offer were some of the highlights of this week!

Left Side

I used another Flip Flap protector for Tuesday just because I wanted to show more than one photo for that day.

A close up of the 4x6 adhesive photo protector...

A close up of the 8.5x11 insert for the week. It was the program from church service on Sunday.

Right Side

The left side of the layout shows the results and receipts from a shopping trip for Ava, journaling about Ava turning 15 months, and a google map on Friday of the crazy long walk we took with my Aunt (never again).

Project Life Week 9

Week 9

Week 9! Hello March! Hello Spring! This week wasn't very eventful, but I am enjoying getting bits and pieces of everyday life that I would have never taken pictures of if I didn't decide to participate in Project Life...

Left Side

This side of the layout shows/documents us coming home from church, me, getting my license renewed (a month late) and Ava playing with her toys.

Right Side

The right side of the layout shows story time at the library, Ava asleep after going for a walk to pick up the mail, another prescription, and me after a day of freelancing at the MAC Store. For Thursday, I used a 4x6 Flip Flap Memory Protectors  from Close to my Heart so I could showcase vertical pictures for that day. 

I added a adhesive tab to the picture, but I haven't put a label in it yet.

Here is the other side of the picture insert showing Ava knocked out from our walk.
In the slot for the picture of the day is a receipt from my favorite Scrapbook store. They were closing down and had an awesome sale.

Project Life Week 8

Week 8

I am finally getting a chance to get caught up and post my Project Life progress.  I am doing a great job keeping up with the project, just not a great job of keeping up with the posts.

Left side

The left side of the layout for week 8 really shows our routines... Going for a walk, Ava playing on the sofa, Ava and Aubrey playing after work. 
I let the coffee packet from last week show through for this week as a filler for the small journaling slot.

Right Side

For Thursday, I really didn't like the pictures I took, so I opted to put journaling in it's slot. I simply printed out one of the Digital Overlays from Ali Edwards on some cardstock and added my journaling in Photoshop Elements. The rest of the week shows picking up a prescription, Ava playing with Aubrey, and me doing hair.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

A RED lip.....

Anyone who knows me knows I NEVER wear color on my lips... but I have been kinda wanting a red lip lately... I just have nowhere to wear it... so I played in the house....

 I'll let you know when I actually do wear it out the house. YAY or NAY? lol.

 MAC Russian Red Lipstick with MAC Cherry Lip Pencil

Hair Update.... February, March and April

It's been awhile...

I'm still trying to keep up with this blog, I have so many great ideas - but not enough time... I don't know how the REAL bloggers do it...

Anyways, I wanted to share the progress of our locs....

8 month old locs

I washed and conditioned hubby's hair for the first time since his locing process.
here it is before twisting it.

He has started wearing his hair coiled down - I think it looks great!

I have still been wearing my hair coiled also. It is just so easy....

9 moth old locs

Still in coils...

 hair down to show the length.

He is still wearing the coils as well.

10 month old locs
Not the best pictures but these show his length... He finally took the coils down.

I have been wearing mine pretty wild these maintenance at all....

SO the process it going pretty OK!!!  Right now here is what I do for "maintenance"

*Wash every 3-4 weeks

* Twist with either Loc Butter (Carol's Daughter), 
Natural Shea Butter, or Burnt Sugar Hair Pomade (Oyin)

*Spritz with Greg Juice (Oyin) daily